Snail control will be crucial coming into Autumn if you want to keep numbers down.
In pasture and vineyards, targeting snails (conical and garden) in the opening rains will hit them hard.
Mike Sleegers talks to Brooke Anderson from Agronomy Solutions about why people need to have a snail management plan ready. Snails in the region have been inactive because the dry season has meant no green ‘bridge’ to get them moving, but if you look closely along fence lines you will find them.
Optimal time to hit them is with opening rains and dewy mornings.
Eggs will be laid within two weeks of them getting moving – this timeframe is crucial for action.
Cowaramup Agencies has these baits:
Ironmax Certified Organic with No Withhold
Meterex has an 8 week withhold
PASTURE Techniques include tillage, burning (can kill up to 90% of snails), and Baits: Control required if you have 80 conical snails per square metre)
VINEYARDS A lightweight roller is another strategy. Cowaramup Agencies Rural / Viticulture / Irrigation Supplies T 9755 5279 E Call Mike to talk snails.
With thanks to Brooke Anderson from Agronomy Solutions